Tendon Ruptures, Torn Rotator Cuffs and Heart Trouble from Levaquin and Avelox
Levaquin left me with two disabled shoulders.
I had taken levaquin for 3 years for chronic sinus infections. Nothing else works.
I suffered with extreme pain in shoulder for three years getting cortisone shots for Tendonitis , bone spur and large tear in rotator cuff in left shoulder. I got surgery for left shoulder three months ago and still cannot raise my left arm above my shoulder. Even with physical therapy three times a week for six wks so far, I still have terrible pain and am partially disabled. I now have problem with right shoulder in bicep tendon. Getting cortisone shots in rt shoulder..
I also had to have a stent put in my artery to my heart this year. Now have chronic systolic heart failure.
I took Levaquin for chronic sinusitis. Nothing else works any longer. I changed to avalox but feel it does the same thing..I cannot turn the steering wheel in my car.
I feel as is I will be disabled for the rest of my life and still getting sinus infections. I had sinus surgery that did not help.