Swollen mouth and lips after taking Avelox for chronic sinus infection

by Brenda

I was prescribed a 10 day prescription on Avelox for a sinus infection after Azithrormyacin ZPack did not work. It was a pretty stubborn infection, after taking 6 pills I had to stop because my body was itching so much that I had to take Benedryl to be able to sleep. The Benedryl relieved the itching. But what has got me bothered now a week after stopping the anti biotic is the the horrible dry mouth and my burning swollen lips. They feel like a drank screening hot coffee and burnt them. I started researching side effects and found this site. I was hoping to read that the side effect may disappear shortly but it looks like that may not be the case.

Comments for Swollen mouth and lips after taking Avelox for chronic sinus infection

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This is not Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
by: Kerri Knox, RN

Hi Brenda,

I'm very sorry to hear about your run in with the Fluoroquinolones. These can be seriously damaging antibiotics that cause all sorts of problems.

However, you sound lucky. I seriously doubt that your problems are a case of Fluoroquinolone Toxicity, but simply a serious allergic reaction. While that doesn't make you feel any better, I suspect that your symptoms will resolve if you merely avoid the Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics. Unfortunately, it's possible that your symptoms are lingering because you could have been 'sensitized' to these antibiotics with your allergic reaction, and are unknowingly continually ingesting these antibiotics in the food and water you are taking in, as many many foods, and even drinking water may contain traces of the Fluoroquinolones.

If your symptoms linger, I'd suggest that you eliminate ALL sources of these antibiotics in your life. And the sources are many.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

PS: Don't forget that I wrote the book on Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. Get The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution today and get the best available program to end your struggle with the symptoms of Fluoroquinolone damage and toxicity today.

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by: Brenda

Almost 4 months after taking this drug, the swelling in my lips is finally startibg togo down. I still can't use a mouthwash with any alcohol in it due to the burn intensity. But I'm relieved that the lip swelling is finally going down. My doctor said although she had never heard of this particular side effect, that it could take 6 months to go away and she was right.

burning, swollen lips 4 weeks after stopping moxifloxicin
by: Anonymous


I too have burning swollen lips, and this started 3 days ago, about 4 weeks after stopping moxifloxicin after 6 days because of feelings of neuropathy in my legs. This lip burning is after having my palms burn and swell 2 weeks ago and then seeing all the skin peel off my right palm. I'm frightened, and wondering what other horrific symptoms are yet to come? Did this go away completely?

by: Vera

Been taking avelox for 5 months for cosmetic operation infection...and other ones too..but avelox is the one that caused lower lip swelling and numbness and pain. Also tip of tongue.i have been off of it for 3 weeks and seems to be getting better stll a little lip sensation. Also real dry skin and itchy...

To Vera and rest on Avelox
by: J

Hi Vera and all, i was taking Avelox for three weeks and experience tingling feeling at the front of my tongue, plus mild discomfort on my lips during 1 1/2 week onwards to 3rd week.

I figured it is not much of a problem since they are mild side effects. On my third week, doc said i was cleared off infection but still ask me to continue avelox just in case and asked me to take additional arcoxia (NSAID), that every day when i took arcoxia.. my lips swelling went bad after few hours with rashes on my body.

Visited GP and got a jab and rashes are gone, lip swelling came down.. but still swell on my lower lip in particular.. i stopped Arcoxia immediately but continued Avelox.

Am on my 5th say of lip swelling and have decided to stop Avelox, thinking it may also be a contributor to my lip swelling?

Hope my swelling will go away..

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