Horrible Problems after Taking Avelox for a Sinus Infection

by Judy

I am so glad I found this website. I was prescribed Avelox for a sinus infection and didn't realize that what I was experiencing

was side effects from the medication. I was crying all the time, my heart was racing, dizzy, couldn't sleep and felt nauseous.

Unfortunately, I took this medication for 10 days and am now left with a tingling sensation in my
tongue, hands and feet. I get a cold sensation in my arms. I have had a CT scan done and everything is fine. I have been off this medication for 2 weeks and feel no relief. I am really scared it has caused permanent damage.
What can I do?


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Don't Take Avelox, ugh...
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Judy,

I'm so sorry to hear about your problems, and YES, it's almost certainly due to the Avelox- even though your doctors will probably try to convince you that it's NOT due to the Avelox. In fact, the sad part is that in most cases, chronic sinus infections are not even due to bacteria, but due to fungi. And only bacterial infections respond to antibiotics. Doctors should 'culture' sinus infections prior to giving antibiotics, else they have no way to actually determine if antibiotics are even appropriate to give! And if they are not, you could have been damaged completely unnecessarily! Crazy.

The best thing for you to do is to get my book The Levaquin Tendonitis Solution ASAP and start following the protocol outlined in it. The earlier that you start on the protocol, the more likely you are to recover.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

PS: Don't forget that I wrote the book on Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. Get The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution today and get the best available program to end your struggle with the symptoms of Fluoroquinolone damage and toxicity today.

The Levaquin
Tendonitis Solution
for toxicity too!
Click Here to Learn More

the levaquin tendonitis solution

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