Cipro Has Permanently Crippled Me
by Norah
I was a busy, mid-forties Retail Manager just starting my new career and a new life with a new Love in a new city. I had a routine blood test that showed a previous condition (Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia) had taken a turn for the worse and my Neutrophils (responsible for protection from bacterial infection) were dangerously low. The Hematologist on call at the ER the walk-in clinic doctor sent me to gave me Cipro (750 mg x 2/day for 30 days!!!
I immediately started to have major side effects. Within a week I could no longer work and was put on a ninety day short term disability. I was in pain, fainting, shaking, depressed, anxious and a multitude of other symptoms of Cipro toxicity. I suffered, as my 'doctor' told me it was the only thing keeping me safe from potential overwhelming bacterial infection.
Finally I asked for help from him. I told him I was showing signs of toxicity. He sent me for a test to monitor my heart, then told me I was fine, perhaps depressed? I left. When the antibiotics wore off, the same doctor gave me more Cipro as i had not yet seen the Hematologist. Another 15 days of Cipro.
I finally saw the websites devoted to those of us who have been legally poisoned. I went back to my doctor, who literally backed out of the room when I mentioned the poisoning, then told me he could no longer do anything for me and dropped me like a hot potatoe.
I saw the Hema just after I had to quit my job (the STD ran out and I didn't qualify for a LTD). She said I was healthy and to go back to work.
I haven't been able to work again at what I do. I babysit my grandkids now, but I am in pain all the time.
It's been two years. I am in pain, can't eat properly, have permanent eating problems and I have no doctor. Nothing is wrong with me they say. I am now crippled and I am just trying to find my way.
Cipro sucks.