All over Cipro side effects

by Bill
(Ontario Canada)

Began taking Cipro after an at work accident approx 13 years ago, tore my groin and had a torsion and crush injury to right testicle, while undergoing therapy for injury a surgeon was giving me steroid injections in the groin (while on Cipro for the resulting prostatitis from testicle injury) monthly, each visit he had a recent ultra sound and would remark "what the hell are you doing to stretch out the tendon there like that?

Absolutely nothing other than the physio he sent me on, resulted in 6 months of therapy and bed rest, over the years continued taking Cipro for prostatitis (yearly event)until 3 years ago, couldn't walk up stairs, couldn't type, could barely move at all.

I typed in my symptoms into the computer and discovered I had Lou Gherigs ALSdisease, or Cipro poisoning. Stopped taking the Cipro and the worst of the symptoms cleared up. I still have great difficulty grabbing items hard (both thumbs) lifting certain ways, walking up stairs, try to keep working out to keep my strength up but it's not getting any easier. Don't know if there any lawsuits happening in Canada, would like to get involved though.

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